PallEx Care Wheel

The PallEx Care Wheel is the center of palliative care philosophy. It’s a holistic whole person approach to caring for individuals and their families.


Palliative doctor provides care and support as you and your loved ones face the many challenges of living with a serious illness.


Palliative nursing means being available to the patients 24 hours a day to manage their pain and discomforts and to provide support to the families. A nurse doesn’t just have a single role in palliative care.

Social Worker

Medical social workers help in evaluating the well-being and emotional status of individuals and their families. They are also trained in a variety of techniques to help manage emotional distress, provide resources, and support the wishes of the patient.


Psychologists assess, diagnose, and treat the psychological problems and the behavioural dysfunctions resulting from, or related to physical and mental health. In addition, they play a major role in the promotion of healthy behaviour and improving patients’ quality of life.


The dietician is not just an expert source of nutrition knowledge but has the skills to support the patient and their family through some of the social and emotional difficulties associated with eating.


Physiotherapists working in palliative care assist in improving a patient’s quality of life by maximising their functional independence and helping to provide relief from fatigue and help in activities of daily living (ADL).

Pain Specialist

Pain management is an integral part of Palliative care. Pain specialist uses appropriate adjuvant therapies at specific intervals to arrest pain. Proper pain management can achieve a better quality of life for the patients and their families.